We investigate ways people who use drugs are denied human rights and compassionate care.
We attempt to alleviate them through research, education, advocacy, and direct access.
About Us
Coalition of PWUD, HR, peer specialists, medical professionals, public health workers, and people in recovery. We seek to do advocacy work in the areas of public health and harm reduction we feel have fallen through the cracks or around important ideas and perspectives that are not given a voice.
We also conduct training around the same important areas and hope to bring greater understanding around some of these ideas and perspectives.
Our organization can create tailored training programs or conduct pre-existing training sessions on a diverse range of subjects. Our expertise extends to delivering training on topics such as harm reduction, direct service work, stigma reduction, post-overdose outreach, and drug user health.
We are a bridge between the people deciding public and private policies, the people who administer those policies, and those who are affected by them.
Direct Access
We perform regular street outreach to people who use drugs, providing secondary syringe exchange as well as other needed supplies. This keeps us directly in touch with the people we serve as well as providing these services in cities and towns not serviced by any agencies or outside of regular office hours.